Big Idea Company is the only public relations and marketing firm of its kind in the region. We're modeled after a new breed of smaller firms in L.A., New York and Atlanta that have challenged the broken, more-traditional model for agencies. This new breed is more nimble, bold and executes concepts, develops strategies and campaigns in refreshing and compelling ways. We care only about your success and never work for your competitors. Here's a sample of the constantly evolving things we do for our clients and how we do them:
Strategic Brand Building and Brand Management
Your company maintains a strong and consistent identity because you recognize that life and death in the marketplace is rarely dictated by who offers the better product or service. Instead, it is often decided by who owns the high ground when it comes to the most relevant, compelling and memorable image.
When your competitors neglect to mount a consistently relevant and compelling campaign to support and enhance their image, they are leaving a vacuum in the minds of prospects that you are well-positioned to fill.
Big Idea Company will work closely with you to determine the most effective ways to fill that vacuum so that prospects think of your product, service or organization first.
Public Relations
Strong, positive relationships with the public, strengthen your image as an important local resource. Big Idea Company will work closely with you to maximize these relationships through a strategic, multi-pronged approach that includes:
Media Relations
News Releases/Feature Story Development
Media Watch/Research
News Articles and Blogs
Proactive Press Packaging
School Referendums
Social Media
Media Events
Press Conferences
Video News Releases
Publicity Campaigns
Crisis Communications Consultation
Publications and Periodicals
Each of our staff members, including the President, is a native of the Michiana region. This gives Big Idea Company the unique advantage of familiarity with the business and political landscape in the region, particularly with regard to local and regional media. Our working-knowledge of all media combined with years of experience studying the competitive landscape, ensures maximum effectiveness in articulating your organization’s message both to the press and to the general public.
All Forms of Advertising
Effective advertising has less to do with how big your budget is than how big your ideas are and how well those ideas are executed. Unfortunately, thousands of dollars are wasted every day on me-too advertising or creative concepts that are irrelevant to consumers and business-to-business prospects. Some of these me-too and “creative" concepts can actually hurt an organization or product.
Big Idea Company conceives and produces advertising that is strategically driven, tactically nimble, and highly memorable. Our campaigns are neither design-driven nor ‘creatively’ driven. They win awards, but only because they do what they’re supposed to do first: position and sell products and services honestly in a breakthrough manner that is highly relevant to your prospects.

The Big Idea recipe for ensuring that we exceed your expectations consists of three basic principals. First, we don’t get creative until we’ve arrived at a brilliant, standout strategy that puts significant perceptual distance between you and your competitors. Second, we develop creative concepts for all forms of advertising and public relations that make prospects stop in their tracks. And third, we actually deliver what we promise on paper. These three principals serve as the foundation for everything that we do for you:
Strategic Consultation
Media Research, analysis, planning and placement
Capital Campaigns
Outdoor Media/Transit (billboards, etc.)
Positioning and Re-Positioning Services
Sophisticated Media Placement
Without a sophisticated plan for scheduling ad campaigns, even the most relevant and compelling campaign will be like a tree falling in the forest — and cost a lot more than it should. That’s why Big Idea Company is one of the only regional firms to subscribe to software and utilize multiple media ratings, measurement and demographic performance resources to measure television, radio and website/Internet performance for the purposes of comparison and effectively planning media campaigns. Without these data and tools, planning media campaigns is expensive guesswork.
Big Idea Company media plans for advertising are carefully drawn so that your messages reach further, farther and deeper into a demographically rich target than ever before.
In addition, we know the numbers from the inside-out. The President of Big Idea Company worked on the inside with Nielsen and Arbitron ratings services for nearly 25 years in the television and radio businesses and knows when someone is trying to “snow” him with the numbers. This insider advantage is something that no other agency in the region can claim.
Development and Event Films
Big Idea Company has won 19 Emmy nominations and 6 Emmys for films written and produced for clients since 2007 — a remarkable track record for a firm based in a relatively small Midwestern city. If there’s a secret to this level of success, it’s that we're not a video-factory churning out one look-a-like widget after another. We make unique films that have singular objectives and we limit their production to just a few each year so that each one is as persuasive and effective as it needs to be. This is not the kind of place where you'll ever find an assembly-line for anything — particularly development films.
And a Big Idea film is always as persuasive when done, as it was on the day that we presented it to you as a concept on a piece of paper. We deliver what we promise.
Important Distinctions
Unlike a traditional agency, Big Idea Company is not shy about developing and producing all of your electronic work, including films, Internet, social, radio and television, right in our offices. It's this unique business model that allows us to deliver extraordinary work at ordinary prices.
Unlike a production company, Big Idea Company consists solely and entirely of marketing, public relations and brand-building specialists who bring these integrated and razor sharp perspectives to everything we do. We don’t hire freelance writers – your confidential information should not be outsourced to third parties. And most importantly, we don’t work for your competitors. Your relationship with Big Idea Company is always exclusive.
A final distinction from other companies is that we are not bean-counters at Big Idea Company. We don’t charge you for a cup of coffee, a ride from the airport or the paperclips attached to our proposals. We’re professionals. But, we don’t nickel & dime you to death. We’re in this business because it’s our passion.